
Laws in Credit Repair

Laws in Credit Repair. There are certain laws issued for people that have bad credit and to know these laws is important to protect all those involved in your life. The Federal Legislation and several other agencies including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protect you from collection agencies and creditors. If you have bad […]


Cut Back Credit Repair Solution

If you want to get out of debt, you need to cut back and start saving money. If you think you are going to get out of debt going on spending binges then you had better think again. Too many debtors believe once they are in debt it does not matter anyway so why not […]


Steps to Credit Repair

Credit repair is not always easy, but there are solutions available to help us get out of debt. We all have bills and sometimes those bills are outrageous. Paying bills is ongoing, there is no escape so the best possible solution then is asking for help and working to repay your debts. The changes in […]


Options to Avoid in Credit Repair and Building

Options to Avoid in Credit Repair and Building. There are several options available that make people believe it is a solution for freeing themselves of debts. One solution you want to avoid is borrowing money from finance companies. The companies that advances for consolidating loans and requires that you put your home or car up […]


Understanding Credit Files to Repair Credit

If you are in debt and nagged daily by creditors you might want to understand your credit files to repair your credit. If you are delinquent in payments your credit score is affected, and often you can’t get a loan. There are exceptions but if you are able to get a loan or credit card […]


WARNING Credit Repair

WARNING About Credit Repair The world is swarming with predators ready to tell you that they can repair your credit. Some of the sources say they can repair your credit in as little as three minutes, while others tell you as little as 25 days. If you are searching for a solution to repair your […]


Repair Credit by Observation

Repairing your credit takes observation on your part. We often get two types of bills in the mail. Bills that are past due and bills that are up to date. The fact is ignoring your bills is only delaying and it does not help repair your credit. If you have current bills and there are […]


700 & Above Is a Good Credit Score

Isn’t it funny that who we are is based on numbers? The same goes when we apply for a loan and if you don’t want any problems, you should at least be 700 and above to have a good credit score. But what is a credit score? It is an indicator which tells a creditor […]


Repairing Credit Essentials

Repairing Credit Essentials. There are essentials to repairing your credit and building your history. It depends on your situation, but in most cases you can find a way out of any debt situation. Debt relief is a stressful situation. When times are hard the last thing we need is to add more stress to our […]


A Good Credit Score

What is credit score? It is a three digit number that tells creditor whether you can avail of a loan at a high or low interest rate. If your credit score is very low, there is also a possibility that your application will be disapprove. Naturally, you don’t want that to happen and this can […]