

Credit Repair for Identity Theft Victims

Credit Repair for Identity Theft Victims. Identity theft victims are those people that loose simply because someone has stolen their identity and run up their bills. If you are victim of Identity Theft you are well-aware how difficult it can be to get back on your feet again. Identity Theft victims often have to go […]


Check Your Credit Score

If you are thinking of applying for a loan, it will be a good idea to first check your credit score. This will give you an indication whether your request will be approved or not and how much interest you will have to pay. So how do you check your credit score? For that, you […]


What Is Considered a Good Credit Score

What is a considered a good credit score? A lot of experts say that you should get a score of 700 and above so that you are able to get a loan at a lower interest rate. Is this easy to achieve? Given that 60% of Americans can do, then the answer is yes. You […]


Understanding Your Credit Score Information

Credit score information allows lenders to gauge a credit applicant if he or she is worth the risk of availing credit. After all, credit institutions are into a business and would want to profit from their investments in terms of lending their money resources. It is just fair that they try to lend it to […]


Stop Think and Listen when Repairing Credit

One of the best tools for repairing credit is to stop, think, and listen. If you are in debt, you need to stop and think about your situation and stay alert to the activities on your credit report. In this article, we are going to examine disadvantages and advantages available to you as the debtor. […]


Knocking Down the Debts with Credit Repair

If you take a hard look at your situation and analyze your debts carefully, you might just find a solution to knocking down the debts. Debts are bills we owe to creditors, someone or source that has extended us a line of credit believing that we will pay the debt on time. When creditors notice […]


Establishing Credit, the Great Task

“How do I establish credit, when I don’t have a credit history”? This is probably the most commonly asked question by most consumers looking to open a credit account. Not having credit can be just as difficult as having bad credit unless you know how to go about proving yourself to a potential creditor. The […]


Understanding What a Credit Score Is

You just want to get a loan and suddenly you are bombarded with all this questions about your credit score. And you don’t really know what to answer since you don’t even know what a credit score is. A credit score is your credit grade, representing how much of a good creditor you are. This […]


Credit Report and Score

Every year, a credit repot comes out with a corresponding score at the bottom. This could be from 350 to 800 and it varies from person to person depending on their consumer behavior. Your credit score is based on different things. This includes your credit history, outstanding debts, credit length, number of inquiries made and […]